The Super-Sensor dowsing rod.

This article entitled “The Super-Sensor dowsing rod”, has an unknown author. But it is likely to have been written by Frank Jordan, a very experienced American dowser, who appears to have developed and until recently, sold the rod.

The Super-Sensor rod was a rather elegant version of the traditional L rod. It was manufactured from brass, and comprised Teflon bearings giving it enhanced sensitivity, which may or may not be an advantage, depending on the environment one is dowsing in.

The article describes the author’s varied dowsing experiences, from hunting to prospecting. Then mentions uses of the divining rod. However, the main content of the article is that is outlines in some detail, how to begin dowsing.

He begins with how to form and express the search question for the object being sought. The question should be quite specific, being clear in one’s mind what is sought, avoiding ambiguity. But to get started, ask broad, general questions first, then narrow down the questions.

He also suggests before beginning to dowse, to ask whether it is OK to get the information sought, whether you are permitted to, whether you should ask the particular question, and whether you can get the information you want. This is often summed up as “Can I? May I? Am I ready?”, (see post 12-05-2020) and is a more recent development in dowsing practice. He says that asking these questions helps to clear the conscious mind, so that it does not interfere with information from the unconscious mind. The big problem is that preconception and reasoning will cause mistakes, and it is necessary to shut off the conscious mind.

He then mentions certain techniques, such as dowsing maps and using charts or diagrams to get quantitative or subjective values and use of samples He concludes with some very helpful dos and don’ts when dowsing. He stresses the need for confidence that one can dowse, and trust in the results obtained; one should accept the response obtained the first time a question is asked, and not repeat the same question. This is all done through practice and learning from mistakes. He asserts that “… the only limitations in dowsing are the ones you place on yourself. Be inventive”. When one reads the accounts of dowsers in the BSD journals, one can see this inventiveness at play, for as we have seen in previous posts, the information one seeks can be made to manifest itself in a variety of ways, all dependent on the dowser’s imagination.