Death spot at kilometre 7.5

Here is an intriguing suggestion. That accidents at certain black spots, where there is no obvious attributable cause, may be due to “geopathic stress” or streams flowing  under the road. According to the BSD journals, this idea has been seriously entertained in Germany during the early 1950s.

In BSD journal, no 69, p151, there is the rather alarming article “The death spot at kilometre 7.5” by A. Wrede, which is a translation from the German publication, “Hannoversde Presse”, of October, 1948.

Apparently near the kilometre stone 7.5 on the “national road”, or highway 75 from Hamburg to Bremen, there was a fatal accident involving an “English Captain”, which was followed by hundreds of other accidents near the same spot. However, it was asserted that there was no obvious cause to explain these events. That was not until a dowser named Augustus Wrede proposed that some sort of harmful radiation from an underground stream might be responsible. He claimed by dowsing, that a stream crossed the road north-south and created a “reaction band” 8 metres wide, within which he obtained such a  strong reaction, that he could hardly hold the rod down. His hypothesis was that an unsuspecting driver, holding the steering wheel too tightly, would swerve when entering the zone, when the muscles in their arms experienced contractions.  

As a result of his proposal, some tests were conducted by a few local police and journalists, who drove a car over the supposedly affected are of road. Rather surprisingly, they found that their test car, when moving over the zone, but not driven (ie the car was moving but no one holding the steering wheel), would repeatedly veer across the road in the direction of flow of the supposed underground stream. But it did not exhibit this behaviour anywhere else in the road. A kind of PK effect seemed to be at work here.

However, when the accidents along the road were analysed in totality, it was concluded that there were fairly evenly distributed and could be accounted for except for the case of the English Captain. This story remains intriguing, though probably almost impossible to verify in practice. Still, one wonders whether there was ever more published in the German press about it since then.

There a number of postscripts to add. In BSD journal no71,p310, in a brief review of the journal “Revue Internationale de Radiesthesie” (LRPT) no22.  It is mentioned that a road near Bremen (but it is not clear whether it is highway 75), experienced 100 car crashes in a particular stretch. It is stated that several dowers got reaction to underground stream, by dowsing a photograph of this stretch of road, even though no suggestion was provided to them.

In BSD journal, no86,  p124, 1954, in another review of LRPT, of  October 1954, mention is made of  an article in a French publication named, “Votre Auto of Herr Wrede’s idea  that holding a steering wheel is likened to a dowser with rod. The article went on to say that the subject of dangerous earth energies has been raised in German courts. But based on an analysis of a large number of accidents, an alternative suggestion was that meteorological conditions might affect physiological reactions. Apparently, an Institute in Munich studied 100,000 accident s down to atmospheric conditions, and Earth rays can exacerbate this effect.  

There are a few UK references to the possibility of accident black spots due to earth energies, but the idea of the these so called energies, originated amongst European dowsers and took quite some time to become established here.

But to finish, while attending a BSD conference some time ago, I remember during his talk, a senior member of the society, with extensive dowsing experience, told the audience that he had (at least once) driven over an “energy line” crossing the road, and I recall that he had either momentarily passed out, (or at least very nearly). The experience had obviously troubled him. So perhaps there is something after all, though maybe it all depends on the sensitivity of the driver.